Kah Ying Choo
Academic: Coaching & Copyediting
Essays, Dissertations (Masters, Executive Masters, PhD)
General: Content Writing
Workshop, Speeches, Proposals, Books)
Co-Owner and Communications Partner, Incrementum.sg, a specialist brand consultancy
https://www.incrementum.sg 2020–Present
Research existing past marketing resources and external reports on large corporations.
Developed customized content for website and marketing collaterals.
Collaborate with colleagues and clients to ensure that written communication matches overall brand strategy.
Copy Editor for World Bank 2020–Present
Copy edit evaluation studies and summary briefs according to the specific and rigorous requirements of Climate Investment Funds’ Evaluations and Learning team.
Produce summary briefs of varying lengths based on the aforementioned studies.
Consultant on Comprehensive Guidance on Admissions to Top Universities, Specializing in Self-Formulated Research Study Programs for High School Students 2020–Present
Develop and implement customized research writing program for high school students: 1) eight-week group workshops to teach research writing skills to groups of 7-10 students; 2) individual weekly 30-minute sessions during the workshop series.
Produce customized comprehensive reports on the overall strategy for admissions entry comprising evaluations of students’ achievements to date and suggestions for further portfolio development: a) reviewing students’ writeups about themselves; and b) conducting interviews with students and their parents.
Almost 80 participants have completed research reports to date.
Content Writer
www.kahyingchoo.com 2017–Present
Offered rewriting and advanced copy editing of commercial writings: 1) emails; 2) mission and vision statements; 3) speeches; 4) scripts for workshops; 5) drafting surveys; and 5) case study analyses.
Produced engaging articles on health and wellness companies through one-on-one interviews and extensive research.
Academic English Writing Specialist — Copy Editing; Group and One-on-One English Training and Consulting; and Curriculum Design
www.kahyingchoo.com 2011–Present
Offer comprehensive copy editing of academic theses, which include instructional comments and extensive suggestions for further improvements.
Provide intensive, one-on-one coaching sessions (via Skype OR in-person) to provide detailed guidance for specific writing projects, such as theses and college application essays.
Formulate and implement writing workshops at educational institutions in Singapore.
Offer group and customized one-on-one English writing and public speaking classes to students of different age groups and levels of proficiency (including EFL learners).
Designed customized curricula for creative writing, expository writing, argumentative writing, and public speaking (Trinity Exams)
Enabled my clients to attain their graduate degrees, with many scoring high grades of 3.0 and above (out of 4.0) and two with Distinctions of 3.8 and 3.9 (INSEAD Executive Master in Consulting and Coaching for Change (EMCCC).
Freelance Writer, Published Author, Curriculum Designer
www.amotherswish.com.sg 2005–Present
Completed four books: one picture book for children on autism and two creative memoirs with practical suggestions — two on autism and one on manic depression.
Design literacy templates and educational workbooks to initiate children into English, writing, public speaking, and poetry (self-initiated and commissioned).
Write articles on autism, special needs, manic depression, and mental wellness for print and online media.
Wrote commissioned lifestyle articles for luxury publications.
Freelance Copy Editor 2005–Present
Provide copyediting services for a wide variety of corporations, professionals, magazines, and publishers on a freelance basis: a) magazine articles (popular, industry, and academic); b) investment reports; c) book chapters of academic texts; d) general reference books; e) English workbooks; and f) a children’s book.
Freelance Copy Editor of Academic Writings 1997–2005
Provide copyediting services for a wide variety of corporations, professionals, magazines, and publishers on a freelance basis: a) magazine articles (popular, industry, and academic); b) investment reports; c) book chapters of academic texts; d) general reference books; e) English workbooks; and f) a children’s book.